Is Sober Living Right for Me?
Choosing the best path to recovery is a personal and often challenging decision. For individuals in early recovery, sober living can provide the stability and support necessary to build a strong foundation for long-term sobriety. Whether you're considering sober living for yourself or a loved one, understanding what it offers and how it complements addiction treatment can help you make the right choice. We can help.
Recovery looks different for everyone. Over the years, the path to sustained long-term recovery from substance use and mental health disorders has taken different shapes, but the goal remains the same, to find our way out of the darkness and back to our true best self; the happy, healthy, and fulfilled version of ourselves, which was lost when we found drugs or alcohol.
At Integrity Sober Living, we honor all pathways to recovery. In our stunning Cape Cod sober homes, we choose growth, health, healing and wellness over standard early-recovery experiences.
We hold our residents in high-esteem. At Integrity Sober Living, we want to see you succeed. We track your progress not just by the quantity of days you have in recovery, but by how you're spending that time. Your quality of life is important to us.
In addition to the standard "30-meetings-in-30-days" requirement held by most sober houses, Integrity Sober Living honors your diverse needs and unique path to recovery. We acknowledge all of the following as steps towards your progress:
Alternative Healing Modalities
Integrity Sober Living has working relationships with area practitioners that offer alternative healing modalities. These methods are shown to improve overall quality of life and align with one's life purpose. Alternative healing modalities include, but are not limited to: reiki, light work, energy healing, hypnotherapy, yoga practitioner-led meditation, etc.
You may have heard the term "we can only keep what we have, by giving it away." We are firm believers that giving back to the community is a crucial component to the recovery experience. Integrity Sober Living values volunteering as a healing experience for all involved - whether that be at your child's school, a harm-reduction clinic, or whatever serves your greater purpose, we honor your commitment to a life of service.
We find value in community events, and fostering real relationships within our network. Integrity Sober Living will always provide access to ongoing events to help it's residents establish themselves in our growing community with likeminded individuals on the path to recovery.
Recovery Fellowships
Integrity Sober Living recognizes all fellowship pathways to recovery including, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery, etc. We will work with our residents to find the community that feels most right for them. Attendance and participation in these fellowships is a standard approach to recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction.
Therapy & Psychiatry
We realize substance use is often co-occurring with existing mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. We acknowledge and value the time our residents spend investigating these root causes, and consider this part of the recovery process.
House Meetings
Integrity Sober Living is only as strong as it's residents. It is up to our clients to create, nurture and grow the environment they wish to heal in. We take great pride in our sober homes and want it to feel like a home and a family. Our weekly house meetings serve not only as a pulse-check on everyone's individual progress, but an opportunity for feedback, growth and introduction to area resources.

Integrity Sober Living is reimagining the post-treatment recovery experience.
Set in a calm tranquil backdrop of Coastal Cape Cod - Integrity Sober Living's homes are clean and meticulously-maintained for those seeking refuge from substance use disorder.
All houses feature expansive and spacious rooms, calm, clean and welcoming common areas, top-of-the-line appliances, personal resident storage, well-maintained grounds for walking or exercising, and beautiful landscaping.
If you're seeking a clean, safe and comfortable sober house on Cape Cod, look no further than Integrity Sober Living. Still have questions? We can help.


Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA
Mon - Fri
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
9:00 am – 1:00 pm